A Webbed Site
You'd have whole websites dedicated to your favorite color, a character, your art, your music, your friends, or -I'm just spitballing here- your favorite fictional operating system from an anime that shaped how you saw the internet and digital connections.
Holy shit
With the shutdown of cohost, all of the aged, grumpy, idealist, queers who made too many custom Neopets pages [read: me] are now released into the wild again.
So now what do I do? Well, for a lot of us, we dusted off those old neocities pages and linodes we're somehow still paying for [again: me] and decided that goddamn it, it's now the time of W E B S I T E S.
And Reader, I'm having the time of my fuckin' life.

I learned HTML at an early age, mostly cuz I was -as I said before- on Neopets and saw what wonderful things people could do with custom pages. From there, I made my way around the internet to Geocities, Anglefire, all of the usual places.
I was just....enamored with all of it. I don't mean to sound too old but the since there was a lack of enforced cohesion that is present in today's social media, there was a lot more potential for personal aesthetic to shine through.
You'd have whole websites dedicated to your favorite color, a character, your art, your music, your friends, or -I'm just spitballing here- your favorite fictional operating system from an anime that shaped how you saw the internet and digital connections.

With the shutdown of cohost, I got off my ass and decided that it was time again to create the space I dream about. I have little doubt that if you're reading this blog, you've at the very least heard about me working on this. It's a work in progress, but seeing what others are doing has been a major motivator. I'm happy, I'm writing again, I'm coding, I'm making my own space.
This is not common, still, but if you haven't, I encourage you start to look at creating your own little space, it's like a garden for your computer. My site? It's small, but it's mine. It's a space where I'm not at the whims of some bigger holding site. I've worked in Data for a long time now, honestly, and how easily something can become.....just...gone.
This is a short post, but it's the start of me writing again (I wanted something ut it's the start of me writing again (I wanted something other than the archives on here) and that's...something, right?
I'll get off the soapbox of the IndieWeb for now, but if you want to learn more, there's plenty of resources out there! Maybe even hit me up (home.bovine.dad => LinkPage) and I can point you in the right direction.
And honestly? Start looking at the smaller spaces.